When Homosexuality Invades the Family: Biblical Guidelines for Parents, Counselors, and Daughters by Ruth Ann Bruce
With the ever increasing visibility of the homosexual movement, the various views of what causes homosexuality, and the question as to whether a homosexual can change, Christian parents are often left bewildered when they discover their daughter has become involved in this lifestyle. The changes that occur in the relationship between the parents and their daughter are numerous, the heartbreak they experience is severe, and how best to deal with both is confusing. This book puts forth several responses parents exhibit, and it distinguishes between those that are destructive and those that are constructive to both themselves and their daughter. Practical ways parents can deal with awkward situations and discouragement are also addressed. The sovereignty of God and the sufficiency of Scripture are the foundation from which all help comes during those difficult times. The book is directed to parents, counselors, and those involved in homosexuality but want help and guidance.
Ruth Ann Bruce is a teacher and counselor at the Hope Biblical Counseling Center in Naples, Florida. HOPE is a ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA). She has an M.A. degree in Biblical counseling from The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, CA, and is certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). She and her husband, Ken, have two daughters, Ann and Rebecca.