Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest by Carolyn Leutwiler
Singleness Redefined provides the single woman with a refreshing reminder of the sovereignty of God, even in singleness. In this book, lies and discouragements of life are measured against God’s truths and promises. Drawing from personal anecdotes as well as a wide range of materials, Carolyn Leutwiler highlights the abundance that can be found in God during this life stage and provides practical ideas for spiritual, personal, relational growth, and productivity.
This book is a resource for the church and specifically for the single Christian woman who loves the Lord and desires to grow and flourish. Carolyn sets forth a strong theological foundation that encourages and challenges women of all ages. It is a call to measure the lies of the culture and the disappointment of ‘torn agendas’ in seasons of singleness against the truths of God’s Word. It is a resource to help pastors and women’s ministry leaders understand and better steward the gifts of this portion of the body. — Jane Patete, Coordinator of PCA Women’s Ministries