Salvation Treasures
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up. Then, in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Matthew 13:14
The idea of searching for a treasure captures our imagination and motivates us to go and find it. God desires for us to search the Scriptures for His treasure with the zeal Jesus described in this verse.
Salvation Treasures will help you understand the mysteries of salvation in a practical way. “Redemption”, “justification”, and “reconciliation” are just a few of the terms explained in this book. They may be new to you, but you will soon realize they are the hidden treasure God has for us, so we can experience the joy of our salvation. Your salvation will be all the more precious when you have discovered these treasures.
Dan Manningham is a ACBC (formerly NANC) certified biblical counselor and preaching elder at his church. He is a retired 747 Captain and award winning aviation author. He has been married to Fran for 57 years and they have 7 children, 30 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
He has served as a certified Biblical counselor and has served in many church leadership positions and on the board of four mission organizations. He has served in Mali, West Africa, and in Afghanistan as a pilot with PACTEC.