PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative by Richard Ganz
Why is it many evangelical preachers shout from the pulpit about God’s power, but then shuffle their emotionally troubled members off to the closest therapist? Both church leaders and laypersons seem to believe that the psychological “experts” have the answers for the wounded hearts and souls of God’s people. And when churches do offer counseling, it often is tinged with the secular psychology and psychotherapy that have infiltrated the church.
Psychobabble explains the dichotomy between secular and Biblical counseling and shows the danger of incorporating secular techniques into a Christian approach. This book will arm believers looking for Scriptural answers to the hurts of a broken world. As anti-Christian bias becomes increasingly pervasive in secular psychology, the church must look to the true source of all healing. This book will point the way.
“Dr. Ganz threads through all the sticky issues as he confronts the psychological demigods of the Christian integrationists’ pantheon and exposes their feet of clay. For those who have wondered whether the integration of secular psychotherapy with the revelation of God in the Bible is possible–here is your answer.” –Dr. Jay Adams, professor, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Here is a solid Biblical approach to counseling from somebody who has seen it from both the psychological and Biblical sides. Anyone who does Biblical counseling should read this book.” –Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr., pastor, author of Ashamed of the Gospel
“A vivid book by a Bible-believing Jewish-Christian ex-psychotherapist, full of precious wisdom as to how God’s power transforms troubled lives.” –Dr. J. I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regents College
RICHARD GANZ is a Pastor and Counselor in Ontario, Canada. He is the Founder and President of Ottawa Theological Hall where he teaches courses on Biblical psychology and counseling.