Is It Abuse?: A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims by Darby Strickland
For years, biblical counselor Darby Strickland has served women in oppressive marriages. Now she writes to anyone who wants to help, regardless of their level of experience. You will learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior and to better understand its impact on victims — including children who are raised in a home with domestic abuse. Ultimately, you will become equipped to provide wise and Christ-centered counsel and to empower and advocate for victims while navigating the complex dynamics of oppression in a marriage.
“The clearest and most complete work on understanding the dynamics and impact of abuse.” —Chris Moles, Author, The Heart of Domestic Abuse
“An exemplary biblical counseling manual.” —Curtis W. Solomon, Executive Director, The Biblical Counseling Coalition
“If you read this book before you need it, you will be grateful . . . and so will the person who is reaching out to you for guidance.” —Brad Hambrick, General Editor, Becoming a Church That Cares Well for the Abused