Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
About: Instructing a Child’s Heart.
From interaction with their peers to the instruction and correction that they receive at home, Children interpret their experience from a worldview that seeks to answer their fundamental questions: Who am I? What do I exist for? Where can I find joy? We need to provide our children with a consistent, persuasive, biblical framework for understanding the world God has made and their place in it. Instructing a Child’s Heart is essential to Shepherding a Child’s Heart. The instruction that you provide for them not only informs their mind; it is directed to persuading their hearts of the wisdom and truthfulness of God s ways. Impress truth on the hearts of your children, not to control or manage them, but to point them to the greatest joy and happiness that they can experience delighting in God and the goodness of his ways.
About the Authors
Tedd Tripp is Pastor Emeritus of Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where he served from 1980 until 2012. Tedd was married to his wife, Margy, in 1968; they are parents of three adult children and nine grandchildren. Tedd is the author of A Parent’s Handbook for Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Hints for Parents, and with his wife, Margy, Instructing a Child’s Heart.
Dr. Tripp is a graduate of Geneva College, B.A., Philadelphia Theological Seminary, M. Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, D. Min.
Margy and Tedd founded Immanuel Christian School in 1979 after home-schooling their children for one year.
Margy Tripp served as principal for seventeen years, teacher, teacher supervisor, curriculum director and board member in the early years of ICS. She is now retired from school life except for work on the Curriculum Committee, and she is picking up projects that have been on hold for many years. Traveling with “Shepherding the Heart Ministry”, Bible studies and counseling at Grace Fellowship Church, writing, and speaking consume much of Margy’s time. Spending more time with their children and grandchildren is a special focus for Tedd and Margy as well.