The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World by Melissa B. Kruger
What’s truly at the heart of our desires?
The Envy of Eve guides readers to understand how desires grow into covetousness and what happens when this sin takes power in our hearts. Covetousness chokes out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, allowing discontentment to bloom. The key to overcoming is to get to the root of our problem: unbelief–a mistrust of God’s sovereignty and goodness. An ideal resource for deeper study or group discussion.
… the author loves Christ, shares her struggles honestly and writes with a sincere desire to encourage her sisters n Christ.
— New Horizons Magazine
“By focusing on Biblical truths and examples, Kruger opens our eyes to the scope and depth of covetousness in our lives, while also drawing us into the path of holiness and a life honoring and glorifying God.”
— Spring, Texas (A historian with broad experience teaching in universities and seminaries, Spring, Texas)
“With empathy and grounded biblical insight, Melissa Kruger shows us the path to abiding joy amidst life’s varied ‘ups’ and ‘downs’.”
— Lydia Brownback (Author of Contentment, Wheaton, Illinois)
“In an age and culture where we all tend to have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, this book makes a brilliant diagnosis that goes right to the heart of the problem.”
— Ann Benton (Author and family conference speaker, Guildford, England)
“With I’ve-been-there understanding and been-in-the-Word insight, Melissa B. Kruger helps us to look beneath the surface of our discontent, exposing our covetous hearts to the healing light of God’s Word.”
— Nancy Guthrie (Author and Bible teacher)
I commend this fine, new book…with a prayer that we all read and follow her Biblical counsel to fully understand the condition we are in and flee quickly to the One who truly satisfies our deepest longings and our true desires.
— Michael A. Milton (President and Senior Fellow at D. James Kennedy Institute for Christianity and Culture)
“Through biblical examples and sympathetic counsel we are pointed again and again to the delivering power of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
— Faith Cook (author of Troubled Journey, Derbyshire, England)