The Enemy Within: Straight Talk about the Power and Defeat of Sin by Kris Lundgaard
We are at war. We have only two choices: kill or be killed. The sin that lurks inside each one of us is cunning, resourceful, and relentless. Much as we’d like to avoid thinking about it, it is a foe we must know, and hate, in order to fight effectively. In this expanded edition of a time-tested classic, Kris Lundgaard provides tactical guidance on how to wield lethal faith against sin in everyday life. Drawing on the wisdom of John Owen’s masterwork, The Mortification of Sin, he challenges us to battle for holiness with confidence in Christ’s Spirit and victorious work on our behalf. Practical reflection and discussion questions make this book a helpful resource for group study, and a new chapter on the church emphasizes that sin’s battle is best fought alongside others.
A delightful book. It is honest, real, and, best of all, hopeful. — Steve Brown, President Key Life Network
A solid reminder that apart from the grace of God we are far weaker than we can imagine―but greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. — Bryan Chapell
Kris Lundgaard has done the impossible. He has given us some of the best of Puritan theology in a language all of us can understand. . . . will challenge you to radical spiritual transformation! — Richard L. Pratt Jr., President, Third Millennium Ministries
Lundgaard’s book was one of the first books on my sin nature I read as a baby Christian. It profoundly affected my life, forcing me to face Romans 7 squarely and end my false peace with this powerful enemy. — Rosaria Butterfield, Author, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert