Grace, Race, and the Church by Tom Sugimura
Grace, Race, and the Church is meant to introduce an important conversation. We hope our stories not only open your eyes to the racial tensions we still face in a fallen world, but also to a healthier way of sharing our experience with others.
Since many, in our post-Christian society, are unfamiliar with church culture, these stories show how one particular local church thinks about and addresses difficult matters of race. For those wounded by churches in the past, our stories also include the flawed beauty of fellow Christians striving for unity through our common love for Jesus Christ. We hope to show, however imperfectly, the church’s essential role in the race solution when we live how God intended.
Tom Sugimura serves as a Pastor, church planting mentor, and also teaches Biblical Counseling at The Master’s University and serves as an ACBC fellow. He writes at and pastors at New Life Church in Woodland Hills, CA. He and his wife Amanda, are raising their four children in Southern California.
Tom has ministered in the San Fernando Valley since 2004 and is a graduate of the Master’s Seminary and has received a doctorate in counseling at Southern Seminary. He is passionate in equipping the local church for ministry and train indigenous pastors globally. Tom speaks regularly at Counseling Conferences across the U.S.