Critical Stages of Biblical Counseling by Jay Adams
Getting Started: The First Session of Biblical Counseling What you do in the first session will set the tone for what follows–for good or for ill. It will help the counselee gain confidence in your ministry to him and–what is of greater importance–in the Word of God and the God of the Word. Breaking Through: The Turning Point of Biblical Counseling The turning point is crucial because true Christian change always involves a closer approximation of the thoughts and the life of the counselee to the thoughts and the ways of God as these are set forth in the Bible. Finishing Well: The Termination of Biblical Counseling This final book has to do with closing out a series of counseling sessions–how you know when to do so, how you do it, how you can make certain that you have done the right thing, and how you may follow up.
Jay E. Adams (PhD, University of Missouri) is a former director of advanced studies and professor of practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, as well as a retired pastor. He has written over fifty books on pastoral ministry, preaching, counseling, Bible study, and Christian living. His books include Competent to Counsel, The Christian Counselor’s Manual, and Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible.